As an independent consultant, I get to work with a lot of organizations in both public and private sectors. Most deal with various levels of security classification.
Governance is always a hot topic with SharePoint. Most understand the importance of governance; some shrug it off as a “we’ll deal with it when it becomes a problem” — which is never a good idea, as far as I’m concerned.
But what if we could make applying governance in SharePoint a lot easier? So easy, in fact, that it would be more painful to deal with it when it becomes a problem.
That’s what I hope to do with this series of blog articles: demonstrate easy ways to introduce some level of governance using new enabling technologies — like SPFx web parts, extensions, and site scripts.
My goal is not to duplicate the work of Microsoft and others; I may use a very simple approach in this first blog to keep the example easy to understand, but I fully intend on leveraging out-of-the-box Office 365 features like Data Loss Prevention (DLP) features.
I hope you’ll stick with me for the journey!
Information security classification or information classification is a step in the process of managing information. There are people who are way smarter about this topic, and there is a whole ISO 27001 standard on the topic, so I’ll avoid a detailed explanation.
…But I’ll definitely throw in a gratuitous graphic. I guess my time McKinsey & Company rubbed off on me.
Managing classified information typically consists of 4 steps:
This article will focus on the information handling part of the process.
Microsoft internally classifies their information as follows:
A while ago, Microsoft also released on GitHub some cool solution to apply their classification on SharePoint sites. They also have a great case study that shows how they approached classification on their own content.
So, since I want to keep things simple, I’ll use HBI, MBI, and LBI classification labels in my example. You can use your own classification if you want.
If you read my equally long post on creating SPFx extensions, you’ll know that you can use SPFx extensions to do cool things on every page of a site. To keep this example really simple, I’ll create a header that reads the site’s property bag and displays a very simple Office Fabric UI Message Bar indicating the site’s classification. It isn’t going to be particularly pretty, but we can improve on looks later.
The bar will say “This site is classified as [LBI|MBI|HBI]. Learn more about the proper handling procedures.”, but you can make it say whatever is appropriate for you.
Here is what the HBI header will look like:
The MBI header:
And the LBI header:
In the next article, we’ll start writing the code.