In part 1 of this article, I introduced the concept for an SPFx extension that adds a header to every page, showing the classification information for a site.
In part 2, we created an SPFx extension that adds a header that displays a static message with the security classification of a site.
In part 3, we learned more about property bags and learned a few ways to set the sc_BusinessImpact property (a property we made up) of our test sites to LBI, MBI, and HBI.
In this part, we will finally get to add code to our extension that reads the property bag of the current site and displays the appropriate site classification label.
You can get the property bag of a site using a simple REST call to https://yourtenant.sharepoint.com/sites/yoursite/_api/web/allProperties but it is even easier to use the SP PnP JS library make queries like these.
Open the Visual Studio Code solution you created in part 2 and perform the following steps:
Open the terminal pane (CTRL-`).
From the terminal pane, type:
npm i sp-pnp-js --save
We’ll need to update the ExtensionContext in the IClassificationHeaderProps interface. It will allow the ClassificationHeader component to access the context used to make PnP calls. We’ll also add a couple variables to the IClassificationHeaderState interface: one to keep the classification we’ll retrieve from the property bag, and one to keep track if we’re still loading the page.
The code also defines the classification property bag name (sc_BusinessImpact) and the default classification (“LBI”) for when it doesn’t find a classification for a site. Feel free to change either of those values to what makes sense for your needs.
Simply copy and paste the following code to ClassificationHeader.types.ts:
View the code on Gist.
View the code on Gist.
View the code on Gist.
That should be it, let’s try it!
From the Terminal pane in Visual Studio Code, type:
gulp serve
It should launch the browser to the page you had set up in part 2, in serve.json. If prompted to run debug scripts, accept.
Assuming that the default page is not one of your LBI, MBI, or HBI test pages, you should get the default value classification (e.g.: LBI).
Change the first part of the browser’s URL to point to your HBI page (change the part before ?debugManifestsFile=…), and it should tell you that the site is classified HBI.
Repeat step 4 with your LBI and MBI sites and make sure that you get the right messages.
If everything went well, your sites displayed the right classification, but the message bar didn’t change from the default yellow warning. Let’s change that.
View the code on Gist.
Try the LBI, MBI, and HBI test pages again just like you did before, except this time, you should get the following:
MBI Test Site
HBI Test Site
You most likely forgot to include the part after ?debugManifestsFile=… in the URL**.** Try to launch the extension again (gulp serve) and copy the part of the URL with the ? to your test pages.
(I know because I did this a few times)
In theory, the extension should work and load at least the default LBI message. But what if you want to debug the extension?
Here is a simple trick:
Launch your extension by using gulp serve as you did above.
Copy the everything in the URL from the ?. It should look like something like this:
In your Visual Studio Code project, find launch.json under the .vscode folder.
If you don’t have such a file, you probably need to install the Chrome Debugger Extension for Visual Studio Code. Just go to https://aka.ms/spfx-debugger-extensions and follow the instructions to install it.
Find the configuration entry that starts with “name”: “Hosted Workbench” and paste the ugly URL you got in step 2 at the end of the URL marked “url”. This will add the instructions to load the extension in debug mode.
From the Terminal pane, type:
gulp serve --nobrowser
This will start the local web server but won’t launch the browser.
Set a few breakpoints where you want to debug the code by using F9. For example, the render method of the ClassificationHeader component.
From the Debug menu in Visual Studio Code, select Start Debugging and it should launch Chrome to the page you specified in launch.json, prompt you to login, then prompt you to run Debug scripts. Accept and you should be able to debug through the code.
This should be all for today. Next part of this article will clean up some of the code, add localized strings, and prepare the code for production and deploy it!.